Research on Positivity and Language

By guest blogger Tiffany Kalinka

Current research is now focused on the effects of positive thinking on individuals. Studies are now showing that in addition to feeling happy, positive thinking also help people develop and utilize skills that assist them in achieving goals and focus towards the future.

According to psychological researcher, Barbara Fredrickson, the effects of positive language on the brain are the ability to broaden your scope of possibilities and see more options ahead of you. This in turn allows to you build new skills and increase value in all areas of your life. Fredrickson calls this the “broaden and build” theory. So, while many people might see positive thinking as a tool to feel happier or to have a better attitude towards others, recent research has shown that the use of positive thinking can have many benefits in all areas of a person’s life.

In the coaching relationship, one of the main roles of the coach is to be a sounding board for a client, looking at options from different perspectives, and listening to various possible outcomes. The use of positive language and positive thinking clearly enhances the role of the coach and allows the coach to be more beneficial to their client. (This is taught in coach training.)

From the perspective of the client, the use of positive thinking in the coaching relationship benefits them in many ways based on the research. The client is able to look at many possible outcomes for future goals, broaden their perspective, and is able to open their minds to possible future outcomes that create great value for them.

As researchers continue to study the effects of positive thinking on the brain and in turn how we live our lives, the results are both enlightening and extremely beneficial. Positive thinking changes lives, inspires people, and empowers them to move forward.

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