Learning Styles as a Coaching Tool

When a coach is aware of a client’s learning style, the coach is prepared to use words that make sense for the client, blend to the client’s pace, and empower the client with a full exploration of their goals.

Specifically, a visual learner uses and more readily understands language that incorporates visual terminology.  Visual learners speak at a fast pace.  An auditory learner is most comfortable with words that relate to what they hear.  Auditory learners use a rhythmic and steady pace of speech.  A kinesthetic learner relates to language around feelings and sensations.  Kinesthetic learners speak slowly.

A coach learns to identify learning style for enhanced communication and exploration during coach training.  Then, with practice, the coach matches language preferences and rate of speech so that the client understands easily and is also more comfortable communicating openly.

The visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles are also a powerful tool for client awareness of what their goals mean to them which supports their follow-through.  When a coach asks the client to describe their ideal outcome fully using all three learning styles, then the client fully explores what they want; describing their ideal outcome visually, auditorilly, and kinesthetically means it becomes more real and more easily achievable for the client.  This enhances buy-in and motivation.

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