Executive Coaching and Assessments

Are assessments appropriate in business, life, or executive coaching?  Talk about a loaded question!  First: is it the coach’s role to assess?  The straight answer is no and the caveat is that the coach works with their client to create awareness.  This often includes the client self-assessing and does call for awareness on the part of the coach.  Dig further.  Does the coach have the proper training to use the assessment tool?  Many of the assessments require training and even certification to administer.  Does the assessment add value to the coaching?  Think this through because sometimes an assessment limits by changing expectations.  Before using an assessment have a clear understanding of the reasons for it and how it adds value to the coaching relationship.  How is it used?  An assessment might be used as a tool for awareness, for identifying skills to develop, or to determine potential.  Before using an assessment, discuss and plan how it will be used.

What are the pros and cons of assessments?

  • Pros: Assessments provide information in the form of insight, understanding, and analysis.
  • Cons: Assessments might conflict with the nature of the coaching relationship and can be expensive to administer.

What types of assessments do coaches use?

Assessments range from personality testing to 360° evaluations; some coaches use Emotional Intelligence assessments and other coaches have developed assessments tailored to their niche area of coaching.

For a business, life, or executive coach, the process to determine whether or not to use an assessment includes discussing the purpose, value, and implications.

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